Monday, June 22, 2009

Read This Before You Sign Up for Cheap Web Hosting

Clearly the appeal for paying a low price for your web hosting requirements is universal, however as the old saying goes 'you get what you pay for'.
So what makes cheap hosting bad and expensive hosting good?
Well the rationale is that the more you pay the better the support, technology, features & benefits you will receive as opposed to a cheap web host where you should therefore receive bad support etc.
Lets examine what can really go wrong by with a hosting company
3 Pitfalls of Hosting With a Cheap Hosting Company
Poor Support
Prompt online or telephone around the clock support is so important because if its non existent when you need it most, ie when your site is down for some or other reason, you will suffer a thousand deaths.
No Back Ups
If your hosting company suffers a hard disc failure & without having performed regular back ups, at best you will have a major headache in having to re upload all your files & images and at worst with no backups of your own you will have no website, ie you will have to start from scratch.
No Added Value
With a good web hosting package you would expect to get certain features over & above the allocated amount of web space and bandwidth such as easy to install scripts and so on.Whilst the above pitfalls are often associated with cheap hosting packages they can also be present with the more expensive packages.
What this means is that pricey web hosting does not necessarily mean that you will get the best of everything - in fact with some cheap hosting options you can get fantastic service, support & features.
For instance it is possible to get cheap hosting with the best, inter alia, of the following;
What is the Minimum to Expect From a Web Hosting Package?
24/7 Support
Chat Support, Phone Support, E-mail Support - all non-outsourced at any time with quick response time
Free Website Builder
Not all hosting companies offer this benefit but it is possible to get it even with a cheap hosting package
Free Website Templates
Again not all hosting companies offer free website templates but a great selection can be had even with some cheap hosting package
Free Easy Install Scripts
Some cheap hosting packages provide more than 50 free scripts that can be installed via the control panel easily & quickly.
Some of the scripts include online shopping carts, image galleries, forum scripts, etc which can be added to your website with a click of your mouse.
In conclusion, the moral of the story is that whilst a cheap hosting package can be the cause of many problems so can the more expensive packages.
Cheap hosting therefore does not necessarily mean that it is not up with the best in terms of support, features, benefits & value.
So if you come across a really good deal, do some research in terms of the company's track record & profile - it could be the best & cheapest hosting deal you will ever get.

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