Saturday, June 27, 2009

Low Priced But Dependable Hosting

The foremost thing which one should keep in mind while choosing a low price web host is that, how much quantity of disk space is required by the user, i.e. precise amount of MB, the number of pages, quantity of video or audio files, or any miscellaneous things. If one’s website is going to have an ample amount of visitors then going for a cheap web host may not be a preferable option. A further crucial thing is the number of email addresses delivered by the low priced web host; it could be smaller as per expectation, thus one should vigilantly analyze all the features offered by the hosting company.

In order to make all the aspects clear one should fully analyze merits and demerits of investing in low priced web hosting. Therefore if one analyzes top 10 cheap web hosting companies, one can discuss about 3 aspects i.e. price, quality and services provided. One can receive a cheap web hosting at the rate of $5 and $20 per month. Provided space can be in the range of 3GB and 5GB, and the bandwidth between 45GB to 300GB, both the features can vary as per price paid.

One should look for a web hosting company on whom he/she can depend upon. One more crucial feature is the customer support. One can say that, customer support is the root of web hosting. A dependable host should possess both phone supports, as well as email support because in case of emergency phone support can be more effective as compare to email support. When one talks about email support, response time is the area where all the importance lies. Few takes hours and even days to respond while for some few minutes are quite enough. In addition to it, in few companies customer support is restricted to certain hours only; however, when one is looking for a dependable host the support should be 24/7.

Hence, for getting cheap but dependable host one should merge two points mentioned in the article. One must do continues investigation and measure between features and offers delivered by different hosts. One can use above-mentioned points as equipments to end the search at the right choice, with happiness and satisfaction.

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