Monday, June 22, 2009

Features to Look for When Buying Cheap Web Hosting

Just because a company offers cheap web hosting does not mean that their service is no good. In fact, some of the best web hosting companies out there actually offer great prices on their web hosting. Of course, before you join a cheap web hosting company, there are a few things that you are going to want to look at first. Today we are going to talk about a few of the features that you may want to look for in a cheap web hosting company to make sure that they are offering the service that you want!
First of all, the main thing that you are going to want to look for is their up time. This is the time that the web hosting company is actually going to be online. Now, no web hosting company can have a 100% up time, because they have to close down at some point to do work on the server. However, what you do want is a web hosting company that is going to offer you more time than what other companies offer you. After all, the more that their servers are up, the more that your web site is online.
The next thing that you are going to want to look for is how much space they are going to give you. This is referred to as disk storage. The more space that you get, the bigger you web site can be. Of course, you are also going to want good bandwidth. This is how much traffic your web site is going to be able to take to your web site. The more bandwidth you have, the more people you can have visiting your web site.
You are also going to want to look for any kind of start up fees. A lot of cheap web hosting companies can actually offer very low monthly rates, because they have very high start up costs. So what you want to do is look and make sure that there are no start up fees that you have to pay to get your web site up and running. For example, sometimes you have to pay for your domain name.
Last, you need to check and see if the web hosting company offers any kind of templates that you can use. Templates are things that make designing your web site easier. This goes double for people who do not know how to make a web site. If this is your first time building a site, then you may want templates to help you. This way you can make your web site look professional without actually having to know a lot of HTML.

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