Friday, July 10, 2009

Free or Cheap Web Hosting

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Looking for Cheap Web Hosting? Keep These Thoughts in Mind…

If you’re in the market for cheap web hosting, it’s important to remember that you must not simply judge a company based on the price it offers. Yes, the overall cost might be inexpensive for and attractive to you, but there are other elements to consider as well, including those listed below.


Investing in cheap web hosting doesn’t have to mean sacrificing on quality. In fact, there are cheap web hosting sites that have a reputation for excellence despite their small price tags.

Always evaluate any cheap web hosting provider you’re considering very carefully. For instance, does the organisation rely on well-known software to power its web hosting? Does the “about us” page on the provider’s website make sense to you? And, above all else, does the cheap web hosting company’s own site have a professional feel? Depending upon your answers to these questions, you may or may not have found the ideal cheap web hosting for your needs.


Even cheap web hosting sites need to be reliable; otherwise, you won’t be getting your money’s worth. Yes, £15 per month is a tempting offer, but if your site is always “down” or virtually unusable, you’ll still be paying too much.

To find out how reliable a cheap web hosting company will be, ask for referrals to some of their current customers’ sites. Then, explore those sites at various times of the day and evening. Check them out for reliability and user-friendliness; they’ll be exceptional examples of what you’ll get for your investment pounds. Do this with the cheap web hosting company’s website as well, as it’s probably powered the same way.

Customer Service

Your cheap web hosting site needs to have round-the-clock, dependable customer service. If it doesn’t, it may not fit your needs.

Before signing on the bottom line, call the cheap web hosting provider’s customer service number and send a few emails to the customer service in-box. See how long it takes to get the answers for which you’re looking, and gauge the friendliness and helpfulness of the responses you receive. If they make you feel like an important individual, that attitude probably will not change once you become a long-term client.


The cheap web hosting provider(s) you’re examining should be willing to give you testimonials and access to customers for referral purposes. If it doesn’t, you may not feel comfortable working with the organisation. (However, do remember that not all clientele’s web sites can be revealed by cheap web hosting providers because of legal concerns. In fact, they may have to ask certain clients ahead of time for permission, so be patient during this process.)

Do some homework and make contact with the customers if at all possible. In lieu of testimonials (if the cheap web hosting company cannot release any information), ask for updated statistics on the types of clients that are served by the provider. Then, you can determine if they are a good match for you based on the type of website you’ll need.

Remember – cheap web hosting is a great deal, but only if you look beyond the cost to other elements of the package.

What Is Cheap Web Hosting?

What generous of website solve you have? Does it owner video or streaming audio? Is it for a immense spirit or a cramped business? Whatever the case, it would mediocre marveling you to light upon that showy web hosting is available to help get your business established on the Internet; cheap web hosting that can meet the needs of your business while being high quality and dependable.

I don't learn about you, but as a minute commotion owner in voracity of a mesh host, I've always been like now bad ice when law the vocalization cheap web hosting mentioned when discussing web hosting companies.

When bag owners recognize the call garish mesh hosting it this day brings to assumption images of a livid basement stab where a combine of college kids provide this cheap web hosting, and where you truly do get what you pay for. Yes, it is true that cheap web hosting usually only provides you with a minimal amount of bandwidth and the habit of crossing your fingers every time you visit your site in the hopes that it will be up and running, but there actually are companies that offer cheap web hosting, where the word "cheap" does not have a literal meaning.

Whether you are a insufficient business, a packed business, or if you appurtenant have a website you press on as a hobby, you don't urge a bull ration to bonanza quality, flashy netting hosting. You also don't need to shy away when you hear the words cheap web hosting; at least, you don't need to if you properly research your cheap web hosting options and find a quality, cheap web hosting company.

You don't lechery to originate thousands of dollars in direction to seal your website unfolding and enlarged on the Internet. For as obvious as pre-eminent dollars a span your website can be grateful the benefit of cheap web hosting that provides as much as 6,000 megabytes of bandwidth and five gigabytes of disc space, not to mention unlimited emailing, 24/7 technical support, and an uptime of 99%!

Having a net host who provides an uptime of 99%, especially one providing flashy lattice hosting, tends to barrage conspicuously horde as a novelty, but licensed are lattice hosting companies who guard a quality service at a cheap price. One of the biggest traits you want to look for when finding cheap web hosting, is to find a company that understands that for some businesses, having their website go offline is tantamount to their actual brick and mortar store locking its doors in the middle of the afternoon on a weekday.

A gaudy lacework hosting establishment should accept the needs of your action and ball game with you to support you hoard them. Because this is the case, they should and quote 24/7 technical support. You don't want a company that will only talk to you during their eight to five business hours, especially if they are based in another country, in a different time zone. You don't want to have to get up at three o'clock in the morning in order to make a phone call to find out if your website has met its bandwidth limits for the month.

Oftentimes, garish lattice hosting companies safeguard their services loud considering they put together their clients case contracts, which leaves them stuck with their furtherance for one or two years, with no option of canceling, or worse, upgrading their website to convene the demands of their growing company. On your quest to find a cheap web hosting company, make sure that you sign up with one which won't lock you into a contract you can't get out of if you are unhappy with the service. At the very least, make sure they offer a 30-day guarantee. That should be plenty of time to decide if they are the cheap web hosting company for you.

And as a precipitate of this point, enter on clear-cut that the loud netting hosting multinational you gravy train and makes it evident to rise your web hosting package. Remember, as your company grows, so will your website; maybe to the point where cheap web hosting will no longer be a necessity for you.

Web Hosting Prices Criterion for Choosing a Web Host?

It's attractive. There are several companies offering cheap services full with amazing post-futuristic techno-gizmo features. But does it helps in saving much money?

Answer is no, not at all as the maximum saving would be in some dollars only. If one is running a business site, saving $5, $10 or even $15 per month is not considered a big saving. There is not a single company whose survival is dependant upon 15 dollars but if the wrong web host is chosen by mistake then surely it can destroy the business.

Given below are 3 main reasons to ignore price issue while selecting web host: -

1. Usability. Confession time: Besides other issues usability holds an important place while selecting a new web host. Especially for a beginner it is important to have at least good control panel. There are example where one in the beginning opted for cheap web hosting and there after faced the problem of operating the control panel and often found him/her self traveling in circles trying to enter it.

Thus if one consider this factor of usability and just know little bit of CGI can easily manage his/her emails and can edit html files right on the server. What more is required for a beginner who was earlier not even able to find files on the previous host’s server?

2. Service. Second factor to consider is service. There are cases where in the beginning users were quite happy with their cheap web host as were even getting all the responses via email on time. Problem occurred when some guy with a chip on his shoulder filed a phony Spam complaint. Now the response was suddenly missing from the host when complaint was made. Infact no one was interested in speaking over phone. The remedy came when the user’s ISP responded to the same phony complaint immediately, sharing with user a copy and giving a chance to deal with it. Thus it is again recommendable to pay more but one must look for this feature.

3. Reliability. One must also look for the good uptime and should also check for reliability. There are many problems that occur when one ignores this factor like a form not functioning thereby resulting in lost sales. More worse is that Google comes crawling just when site is down and search engines don't like sending people to unreliable sites.

Thus it can be concluded easily that paying little more is better than paying a lot more in lost sales and increased stress. One should keep in mind that his/her whole business is dependant upon website and so one must consider all the factors not just price while selecting a new web host.

Web Hosting Tips for Searching a Web Host

This article is useful for understanding the hosting industry and studies its dynamics to know what to look for before selecting a web host.

Firstly it is good to have a proper introduction of web hosting chain. It is termed as chain because here about 3 upstream providers serve the end consumer. First the web-hosting provider, who is in direct contact, then comes the web host’s upstream company who maintains the servers and sells space to web hosts, and above that, the data center that serves the purpose of providing the connection and houses the servers. There are some web hosts who act as the server administrator and liase with the data centers directly.

The growth of the web hosting industry in at saturation point due to the presence of hundreds of web-hosting providers claiming to provide cheaper and better services to businesses and individuals. The reason for this is the availability of resources in abundance and at cheaper costs with reducing disk space and data-transfer prices. Its easy to enter the web hosting business as there are large resellers of server space providing cheap hosting and reselling plans that provides ground to incomers to join the business.
Due to growing number of suppliers with cheaper reselling plans, more and more web hosting businesses are coming up providing web-hosting solutions to business and individual websites due to lower fixed costs and investment. Not only that this increase in supply is not caused by factors in any particular country. As Internet is not limited to the boundary of any country so the data centers present in any part of the world can easily provide the servers and web space for a local hosting company. Due to Internet it is easy to communicate to each other and providers can easily exchange their services in the global space.

Maintaining a proper balance between supply and demand is quite good for the customers. But imbalance has forced several new web-hosting providers to offer extremely low prices for their web hosting plans or packages in order to make them self stand in the tough market. Now it’s time for customers to choose the hosting providers having lowered prices from the vast number of providers.

However, continuous decrease in prices is quite disadvantageous for both the providers as well as the customers. By reduces prices, companies are able to earn nominal profit and are even not able to cover their support costs. Customers suffer by getting less support with their web-hosting accounts. It’s quite obvious if the profits do not justify the costs, web-hosting companies will easily close down and takes their clients' sites with them.

The following are the factors to consider while choosing a web-hosting provider: -

The most important factor to consider is Support for any individual or small business looking for a web host for their websites. The Internet web-hosting provider who is unable to provide the facility of responding to emails within 24 hours is probably having problems providing fast and reliable support services. One can’t ignore the validity of these services especially for the beginners who needs guidance with publishing their websites on the web hosting account provided. The success of any web hosting business depends upon the relationships between web host and web hosting customers. To make business success, provider should be able to provide services when and where required also its crucial for customers to know when their site is going offline for sake of maintenance.

After support next important factor is Stability. It refers to how much uptime one can expect from the web-hosting provider, which in turn depends upon the providers' servers and network. If the providers are not having reliable and stable providers, it would affect their servers and cause problems for the website. It is must to have an uptime of about 99.5% in the industry, as there are other external factors, which may be beyond control of the provider.

Third factor to consider is Cost which depends on the purpose of the website and budget. The budget may be smaller in case of Personal /Individual websites and so they opt to go with a cheaper web hosting provider, possibly in exchange for support and stability. But in case of business sites as they need better stability and support they opt for expensive host providers. It is most often observed that cheap web hosting providers are able to attract customers in the beginning by offering low prices but afterwards fails in providing quality support to their customers thereby creating problems for them. Also the large numbers of client sites cause sustained high server loads which leads to server crash thus hampering stability.

Another factor, which is not so important, is Location of the server. It is not considered important as it depends upon a user’s ISP/country's connection to the data center where the server is located. Pings to the server normally tells the network latency to expect when people can access to one’s site. Lower ping rates leads to loading of site faster.
Last but not least one should take time to identify and contact a web host to check their service. This helps in providing an idea of the kind of support that one might receive and helps in deciding the reliability of the provider.

A Cheap Web Hosting is Often the More Expensive

When reading their “terms of Service”, they seem acceptable for they are nearly common to all host providers and they honour their “money refund policy”

On the 5th of November 2007, I purchased a Reseller Hosting account from at a ridiculous price of $6.99 monthly. To open an account every new client has to setup a quarterly subscription account in the amount of $20.97 through his PayPal account. Since it is a subscription payment, that same amount is automatically charged by PayPal and is credited to the host provider. When nearing the expiry date of my subscription I received a notice which read like this:

“…This is a notice that your invoice 210796 has been generated for services by on 2008/02/04.

Your payment type is: PayPal or Credit Card

Important Notice: Please pay this invoice with PayPal using credit card or paypal account within Due Date to avoid service suspension. For more information on paypal payment method visit page (link to his billing web site)

This treat is surprisingly very intimidating. Is it a cheap web hosting? Yes, but you are prepared to bow down under his arrogance! Normally as a serious host reseller, I do not wish to frustrate my precious customers to have their web sites disabled, so without any question, I clicked on their link to pay $20.97 with the idea in mind that I can arrange with my host provider to readjust the balance later, if there is really a billing mistake. Initially, I had a feeling that the first amount of $20.97 I paid to them was not properly set as a subscription payment, but simply as a “pay only once”.

When I received my hard copy statement from the bank, to my surprise, I noticed some anomaly of my credit card being charged. After further investigation, I discovered that my hosting account being debited in the amount of $20.97 MONTHLY, plus another $20.97 quarterly. When I log onto their online billing statement but they show only what I have paid quarterly. Then there were exchange of series of online tickets and disputes with the billing staff. They insisted that only the quarterly payment is paid to them and to whom the monthly payment is paid remain a mystery.

I then log to my PayPal account and open a case at the resolution center. Later PayPal replied to me that the monthly subscription payment was to and they do not interpret this instance as an “unauthorized account activity”. Here in this case, the one to be blamed is the one who has clicked on the link to pay monthly and not the one who has fraudulently sent a false reminder for his victim to click.

When finding no way to escape this accusation, they finally recognized that there was definitely a duplicate billing, yet they argue that the mistake was only by the automatic billing system and not human. Yes, I have cancelled my monthly subscription, but what about the money I have already paid for? After further discussion, when I asked them for a refund they told me that it will be debited to my quarterly subscription account and they refused to adjust my online statement to reflect what I have paid. I have then closed every subscription account with PaYPal paying to EhosPros and knowing that the validity of my hosting account will extend to the 5th of November 2008 due to my excess payment, yet at the end of the 5th August 2008 they suspended my account without sending me a formal deactivation notice.

And now the problem with a cheap hosting account, if I have lost few dollars as excess payment it is nearly nothing. What is the most critical is that I have to compensate my clients about $1000 for loss of business due to websites failure. I have to compensate them because we did not received a deactivation notice from the host and they did not even advise us to move our sites onto other host provider while our account is deactivated.

All those who choose a cheap hosting, for the sake of economy I would say yes, but be careful!

Best Web Host Compatible With Dreamweaver: Top 3 Cheap Web Hosting Plans

Looking for best cheap web hosting plans including Dreamweaver? First take a look at some important features which must be considered when choosing your web hosting company:

Reliability and uptime: Hosting uptime refers to the percentage of time the host is accessible via the internet. It is very important your service be uptime (functioning and available for use). It means you can access your account whenever you want to update your web pages, and users can enter your website whenever they refer to your site address. If your hosting service is not uptime it can be catastrophic!

Disk space: Web hosting space is the amount of room that the web host provides to store your HTML, graphic, video/audio and other files. This figure is most commonly stated in gigabytes. If you don't know how much space you need for your website, you can choose a web host with unlimited disk space, which allows you to build as many web pages as you want.

Bandwidth: Bandwidth (or data transfer) refers to the amount of data that is accessed by your visitors. Web hosts define bandwidth as the total amount of data access from your server over a month's time. This figure is most commonly expressed in gigabytes. If you don't know how much bandwidth you need for your website, you can pick a web host with unlimited data transfer, which allows you to support as many visitors as you want.

Ease of Control Panel: It is important that the control panel is easy to use and all information can be accessed easily.

If you are a beginner it is generally hard to you to pick the right web hosting service. There are many websites which display a couple of web hosting companies as the best and leave people confused without being helpful. To make things even more confusing, some hosting companies are cheating and lying to their customers!


All Web Hosts Presented On Include Dreamweaver: is a reliable website to help you make the best choice. Their experts have been evaluating web hosting service providers for years, and now they provide you with the most reliable results. They present the information in an easy to understand format that helps the consumer make the best choice within just a few minutes. This is their purpose, to help you make the right choice the first time.

Best Cheap Web Hosting Services Supporting JavaScripts: Top 3 Web Hosts

Looking for best cheap web hosting plans supporting JavaScripts? First take a look at some important features which must be considered when choosing your web hosting company:

Reliability and uptime: Hosting uptime refers to the percentage of time the host is accessible via the internet. It is very important your service be uptime (functioning and available for use). It means you can access your account whenever you want to update your web pages, and users can enter your website whenever they refer to your site address. If your hosting service is not uptime it can be catastrophic!

Disk space: Web hosting space is the amount of room that the web host provides to store your HTML, graphic, video/audio and other files. This figure is most commonly stated in gigabytes. If you don't know how much space you need for your website, you can choose a web host with unlimited disk space, which allows you to build as many web pages as you want.

Bandwidth: Bandwidth (or data transfer) refers to the amount of data that is accessed by your visitors. Web hosts define bandwidth as the total amount of data access from your server over a month's time. This figure is most commonly expressed in gigabytes. If you don't know how much bandwidth you need for your website, you can pick a web host with unlimited data transfer, which allows you to support as many visitors as you want.

Ease of Control Panel: It is important that the control panel is easy to use and all information can be accessed easily.

If you are a beginner it is generally hard to you to pick the right web hosting service. There are many websites which display a couple of web hosting companies as the best and leave people confused without being helpful. To make things even more confusing, some hosting companies are cheating and lying to their customers!


All Web Hosts Presented On Support JavaScripts: is a reliable website to help you make the best choice. Their experts have been evaluating web hosting service providers for years, and now they provide you with the most reliable results. They present the information in an easy to understand format that helps the consumer make the best choice within just a few minutes. This is their purpose, to help you make the right choice the first time.

Web Hosting Services Supporting Unlimited Domains/Disk Space/Bandwidth (Data Transfer) – Top 3 Best Cheap Web Hosts

Looking for best cheap web hosting plans supporting unlimited bandwidth/disk space/domains? First take a look at some important features which must be considered when choosing your web hosting company:

Reliability and uptime: Hosting uptime refers to the percentage of time the host is accessible via the internet. It is very important your service be uptime (functioning and available for use). It means you can access your account whenever you want to update your web pages, and users can enter your website whenever they refer to your site address. If your hosting service is not uptime it can be catastrophic!

Disk space: Web hosting space is the amount of room that the web host provides to store your HTML, graphic, video/audio and other files. This figure is most commonly stated in gigabytes. If you don't know how much space you need for your website, you can choose a web host with unlimited disk space, which allows you to build as many web pages as you want.

Bandwidth: Bandwidth (or data transfer) refers to the amount of data that is accessed by your visitors. Web hosts define bandwidth as the total amount of data access from your server over a month's time. This figure is most commonly expressed in gigabytes. If you don't know how much bandwidth you need for your website, you can pick a web host with unlimited data transfer, which allows you to support as many visitors as you want.

Ease of Control Panel: It is important that the control panel is easy to use and all information can be accessed easily.

If you are a beginner it is generally hard to you to pick the right web hosting service. There are many websites which display a couple of web hosting companies as the best and leave people confused without being helpful. To make things even more confusing, some hosting companies are cheating and lying to their customers!


All Web Hosts Presented On Support unlimited bandwidth/disk space/domains: is a reliable website to help you make the best choice. Their experts have been evaluating web hosting service providers for years, and now they provide you with the most reliable results. They present the information in an easy to understand format that helps the consumer make the best choice within just a few minutes. This is their purpose, to help you make the right choice the first time.

There you can reach the three reputable companies that are leaders in the web hosting industry. They are all easy-to-use and affordable.

Is cheap web hosting always a desirable option?

The hottest trend, the buzzing phrase and the latest fashion is to be connected through World Wide Web. If you wish to read the breaking news or play a game of Mario, you need to be hooked online. Chat with a friend, share your ideas, shop your essentials, bank your money and even debate on topics you can do all when you create a web presence or join the community of web mania.

Whatever be it, to make your presence worthwhile in the internet it is web hosting that is the talk of the town. With the mushrooming of several web hosting companies one need to make the right choice so that even it is low cost web hosting company, it should not be a cheap web hosting company with no credibility as the said domain is filled with fraudsters and marketing gimmicks.

Components of web hosting

Web hosting can be categorically divided into four essential components such as a purpose of the site, a domain name, site building software and most importantly the content. Then whenever you look out for a web hosting company you need to check on the speed besides disk space, additional domains, e-mail features and instant set up feature.

There exist free web hosting resources such as word press and These free web hosting is a launch pad for many as these are most cost effective for many who wishes to make a head start with either launching a blog or an online discussion forum.

But one needs to go beyond ordinary realm of the free web hosting. For instance, if one intends to make presence in the internet with big business motives, one needs to look for a hosting package that categorically meets one requirements. However the limitations of free web hosting are limited access to certain scripts such as CGI or PERL, reduced band with capacity, restricted customer service options and sometimes one will be forced to use their ads on your site without any control of the contents of the ads.

The shift is thus towards budget web hosting companies as individuals always wish for high quality but at cheap price. But whenever you sign for a budget web hosting or discount web hosting its better that you check on its customer service availability, web server’s uptime and most importantly how long the company in service is so that credibility can be ascertained.

Cheap web hosting is desirable, but before you begin to monetize from your internet endeavor, it is essential that you get informed about web hosting basics so you get the right web presence either for an individual site or setting up a small business.

Business Web Site Hosting: the Best Choice!

Selection of an ideal business web site hosting is must before user should conclude any strategy of proposing goods and services for sale on his/her business web site, one has to judge about an ideal business web site hosting. One can receive several services and options regarding business web site hosting.

If one considers about business web site hosting then there are three forms of alternatives available in front of him/her:

1. Dedicated Server,

2. Virtual Hosting and

3. Co-location.

One can ask a question to him/her self, "what way can I receive an ideal business web site hosting?"

While searching for a business web site hosting one will come across through several ads and links that declares several great choices for his/her business. These options ranges from free to cheap web hosting and to expensive business web site hosting as well. It is superlative to stay vigil, analyzing all the necessary requirements by the user and try to overlook all forms of propaganda.

Solutions to few basic queries which user needs to keep in mind are, "Which is preferable server? What type of business is it going to have? Does one’s business is going to have a simple business site or rather a complex Ecommerce site?" One can get reply to all these queries after analyzing business web site hosting.

If one talks about a Dedicated Server business web site hosting then in this kind of hosting service one can rent the complete server. For the webmasters lacking startup capitol this can be proved to be a smart alternative. When one talk about a Dedicated Server hosting user can enjoy an ample amount of disk space and file transfer capacity. One can get rapid connectivity because there is presence of only one business site on the Dedicated Server. If one talks about the majority of cases, the user will enjoy outstanding service as per his/her requirement. The drawback is that, one has to pay extra amount as compare to Virtual Hosting and not get the command, which one can enjoy from Co-location business web site hosting.

On a Virtual Hosting business web site hosting one has to rent space place on comparatively larger server and need to share the server with several number of other web sites. Such sort of business web site hosting is quite reasonable and possesses several features and alternatives, which can be adapted by any of the business web site. However, the only prime drawback is that one has to counter downtime; which may harm the accounts of sales and visitors. Sales are quite crucial with business web site hosting. Due to this reason only one should go for hosting service for his/her business web hosting which is best as far as possible.

While discussing about Co-location business web site hosting one will conclude that it is a hosting service that uses user’s server equipment placed in a secure state of the art facility in another location. The supreme benefit of Co-location business web site hosting is that the user will get full command over dependability and data transfer accuracy of his/her web site. Overcoming the quality of Co-location business web site hosting is a daunting task, however, for a beginner in business web site it can be a pricey option. Price doesn’t matters when one gets the best output; this applies with Co-location business web site hosting.

One can get Business web site hosting services with several alternatives in the market. One should patiently compare all and should select the best suitable option as his/her requirement.

Precautions to Low Cost Hosting

Hosts providing low cost services declareDoes cheap means an awful thing? Perhaps not always! However, today’s competitive market scenario demands for sensible customers. to the user that, “he/she will have entire world in the fist just for Rs. 900 per year” but, in reality user even struggle to get basic services. Some of the users may surprise from the previously mentioned statement. But, clarity will be provided in the upcoming statements.

For describing web host in a synchronized manner, one can say that a “web host” is a company involved in the business of acquiring bandwidth (internet connectivity) and servers (glorified computers) with an intention to re-sell it, but in smaller amount, to people who demands for storage space for their concerning e-mails and websites. The process is usually done by renting dedicated servers in the company of a decent hard drive plus bandwidth quota and then employing a control panel to split the server resources up into smaller masses termed as ‘hosting plans’. The key objective is to balance such plans in a way that it can benefit both client and host in terms of reasonability and profit respectively.

A chaos of new web hosts increases by the day, due to easy entry and profitable business in this market. This makes the market competitive providing direct benefit to the customer. There are several cases where it happened that the provider in order to get market share decided to offer cheap prices and as soon as he/she started getting customers he/she revised it. Before anybody realizes it, the game is almost over. This is quite seen in country like Pakistan and that too every 10 months after.

“Nice”, one will say or not? Go on…

Hence, what a web host can conclude from it? Abruptly, all their present clients are paying them half of the complete utilization. It signifies that, in the upcoming year, they need to generate two times new business just to earn the amount equals to last year! A sensible person does not recommend it as expansion!

Unfortunately, it is not essential that the amount of clients will jump tremendously with respect to every price shave. Hence, the user is left with the only choice to cut short the price. Thus in order to save cost instead of 3 people support is made available by one person alone. In the same way if there are 2 servers, the whole load is shared on one server lower operating costs. Now these steps have a positive impact on the host’s service but the service may suffer from lack of support, downtime and slow server response.

Now, if the host is giving preference to its present clients, he/she modifies his/her cost in such a way that every client will get a feel good factor. I should always check whether a web host is in the business of providing best service with long term vision in mind or he/she is quoting less price and good profit just to trap customers. It is often found that there are cases where earlier hosting companies offered cheap services at quite less prices just to attract customers and thereafter turned bankrupt. There are not many people who are aware of this trap and get in trouble afterwards. Things are getting worse due to the fact that now the older hosts are deciding to get better off by reducing prices rather than improving on service. In order to get away from this, the younger companies started following and create problem for themselves as well as to their clients. The resultant of this mess is all the customers just get diverted to foreign web hosts in order to get better services.

User should keep in mind that what all is important is good service and all other things are secondary. The ultimate motto of user is that he/she should get what he/she is paying for. Now it is on user to decide whether to go for cheap web hosting or to opt for good web hosting.

Cheap Web Hosting - What to Look for

Many people who are still in the process of getting a feel of the hosting business do not want to risk too much and yet want to establish an online presence with a hosting account that would give them access to all the helpful hosting tools and features. Cheap web hosting or budget web hosting are ideal options to consider. Quite frankly, budget web hosting is not difficult to find at all. However, since the user would be subjected to a massive number of budget web hosting companies with just a single search click, it is important to exercise prudence and find out about the history and performance delivery of the web host you are interested to sign up with.

Budget web hosting is an ideal option for people who want to establish their website presence and at the same time do not wish to invest too much. There are many good quality budget web hosting companies out there that are famous for delivering quality services but to sift through the astronomical number of companies could prove to be a tad daunting for the novice user. So a considerable amount of research, analysis and recommendation tools are needed to find a reliable budget web hosting provider.

It's also important to ascertain in advance any kind of hidden costs apart from what is mentioned on the price tag. This is primarily because while the price tag may mention a lower amount, some companies ask the users to pay for additional tools and services which are almost indispensable to a hosting account. So the user is eventually left with no other choice but to pay up for the additional hosting tools and this could equate to an expensive hosting solution. Such a situation would therefore be highly undesirable to a user who is on the lookout of a budget web hosting account.

Furthermore, many web hosting providers may also try to cut corners in order to make up for the low pricing structures that they offer. This could imply inferior customer support, considerable downtime or even non-modern technology. So it becomes imperative to check the company's history and levels of reliability in the hosting industry before you host your website with them. The user should evaluate in advance the amount of bandwidth, disk space etc that he/she would require so that he can select a hosting package that would befit his requirements.

Low Priced But Dependable Hosting

The foremost thing which one should keep in mind while choosing a low price web host is that, how much quantity of disk space is required by the user, i.e. precise amount of MB, the number of pages, quantity of video or audio files, or any miscellaneous things. If one’s website is going to have an ample amount of visitors then going for a cheap web host may not be a preferable option. A further crucial thing is the number of email addresses delivered by the low priced web host; it could be smaller as per expectation, thus one should vigilantly analyze all the features offered by the hosting company.

In order to make all the aspects clear one should fully analyze merits and demerits of investing in low priced web hosting. Therefore if one analyzes top 10 cheap web hosting companies, one can discuss about 3 aspects i.e. price, quality and services provided. One can receive a cheap web hosting at the rate of $5 and $20 per month. Provided space can be in the range of 3GB and 5GB, and the bandwidth between 45GB to 300GB, both the features can vary as per price paid.

One should look for a web hosting company on whom he/she can depend upon. One more crucial feature is the customer support. One can say that, customer support is the root of web hosting. A dependable host should possess both phone supports, as well as email support because in case of emergency phone support can be more effective as compare to email support. When one talks about email support, response time is the area where all the importance lies. Few takes hours and even days to respond while for some few minutes are quite enough. In addition to it, in few companies customer support is restricted to certain hours only; however, when one is looking for a dependable host the support should be 24/7.

Hence, for getting cheap but dependable host one should merge two points mentioned in the article. One must do continues investigation and measure between features and offers delivered by different hosts. One can use above-mentioned points as equipments to end the search at the right choice, with happiness and satisfaction.

The Pros and Cons of Cheap Web Hosting

You have finally decided to avail of cheap web hosting plan for your website. Since you do not have enough money to buy more expensive and quality website hosting plan, you have to decided to settle for cheap web hosting. But before you avail of cheap web hosting services, you should know what you’re getting into. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of getting cheap web hosting services.

First you can get about 100MB for your storage, which is good enough for a simple website. Also there are sites which offer hosting without the essential banner ads. The bandwidth is also good, up to about 1GB per month. You also get at least 19 email accounts. Plus, you get website templates that have been pre-built so you don’t have to learn programming and designing languages to build and design your website.

However there are also disadvantages of getting a free web hosting. First you do not have your own domain name. You have to settle to using a subdomain. Then you’ll require more disk space especially if you want to have more pages and constant traffic. Free hosting also does not have email features which are necessary in running a business or maintaining a legitimate website. Your flexibility is likewise compromised since you don’t have a database. And you could not just upload any file you want, since there are restrictions.

These are the advantages and disadvantages of getting free website hosting. Consider them first before signing up for free website hosting.

Web Hosting Advice And Information - How You Can Find A Cheap Web Hosting Package

All webmasters will at some point face one question: how will I find a good and cheap web hosting provider?

The web hosting business is saturated with web hosting companies competing for your business. You'll find everything from huge companies hosting hundreds of thousands of web sites, to the small reseller operating out of Mom's garage. So how can you make an educated decision with all those options?

All web site hosting companies tend to have some similarities, although their main sales arguments are normally focused on two things; cost and bandwidth. A lot of the time people go for a sales pitch like that. Getting something that's inexpensive is desirable to most folks, and if it seems to come with some great extras too, then all the better!

So if you are choosing between a web hosting company that's offering a cheap web hosting plan with 50GB bandwidth for $10 per month, and a different hosting company that promises you a hosting plan with 500GB a month for five dollars, a lot of people will foolishly pick the second option. However, it is this type of logic that leads to disaster for many web hosting clients.

Sure, it's great to save a few bucks - although do you believe a web hosting company is going to give great support and reliable service when you pay them almost nothing? The old saying "You get what you pay for" is very truthful, and the complete truth is you're far more apt to receive great service if you keep clear of the really cheap web page hosting packages.

That being said, it is also true that the service quality can differ a lot betweeen web site hosting companies in the same price range. In truth, the one way of making sure you keep clear of the bad apples is to do a little of your own research. Check out places such as Web Hosting Talk to find out for yourself what real customers feel about the web hosting provider they use.

While there isn't a web hosting company that will be liked by everybody, you will find that some have a lot more complaints than others. I have done extensive research on this and learned that while some web hosting providers may have mostly good reviews, other providers have mostly negative reviews. In conclusion: when looking for an affordable web hosting service, keep clear of the cheapest offers and do some research before you sign up.

Probable Threats of Cheap Hosting

There are several people who considers cheap web hosting similar to free web hosting, however it may be a bit harsh, there are certain factors underlying which the user should keep in consideration while searching for a cheap web host.

These related factors are given below:


One cannot find an ideal output; if even after spending immense amount of time and bucks in the construction of a dream site, user reaches to a point where people cannot access it. Hence, in the process of selecting the ideal web host from the ocean of cheap web hosts prevailing in the market, the user should ensure that available downtime does not harm business due to use of cheap quality host.

Be Cautious for Bandwidth attack:

For a user it is a vital factor to keep in mind the amount of bandwidth and storage space the host is delivering to him/her as an output of monthly payment. Bandwidth, no doubt is a golden key for a site’s success, as a site which is very well known, which attracts huge amount of traffic will obviously require more quantity of bandwidth. It may happen before the expected schedule and it is quite necessary that the user should have some options left with him/her if he/she faces sudden shortage of bandwidth. Or else, the user may need to counter extended downtime in the condition when it should not happen, so as to grab the lump of traffic that the user is attracting.

Check technical skills of the host:

It is a sign of ideal webhosting services if they put provision of their web servers on their respective sites. When the user deeply analyzes this information he/she comes to know about the stability of host’s server system. The user can easily judge, the inverse relation between stability and downtimes. No doubt, there are several guys not having the technical knowledge, but at least they can consult somebody of their knowledge assisting them in analyzing the technical terminology at the hosts’ site.

Verify the site several times in 24 hours:

It is quite common with several webmasters that due to huge amount of work they even forget to check their own sites. One cannot deny the fact that, it is a serious matter. It is very necessary and for this even if any extra effort or cash is involved of hiring somebody to do it for him/her on a regular basis through out the day, then too it is a profitable act. The job is not completely done with the site’s frequent accessibility but presence of everything and working efficiency should also be considered. This is the only way measurement of user’s efficiency and business is conducted by visitors, so one should take trouble for no one but for his/her own sake to ensure proper uptime and efficiency of the site.

At the end, one can say that, it is not impossible to get cheap but hardworking host, but it will need an ample of work & checking from the other side i.e. from user’s side. A web host directory is another friend which assists a lot in such situation.

The Downsides of Getting Cheap Web Hosting Services

Going for cheap website hosting services is no longer a practical option these days. With the boom of the Internet many web hosting companies have likewise sprouted. These companies not compete in prices as well as in providing top caliber web hosting services. Thus you can always go for a capable web site hosting provider without thinking too much on the cost implications.

One of the traps of having a cheap website hosting company is that they always claim that they can provide guaranteed uptime for websites, but are not able to back up their claims Reliability is simply a big concern for most companies who do not want to take the risk of having their website hosted by cheap web hosting providers.

Yet another concern in having a cheap website hosting firm is that they have poor customer support. You cannot rely on their customer support staff, who are almost always clueless on how to deal with the problems that your website encounters. It can be really frustrating for business owners to deal with unreliable and incompetent customer service personnel. It’s more frustrating if the website experiences troubles during a hectic season, and the customer support fails to address your website concerns.

These are the disadvantages of getting a cheap website hosting company. Knowing these things can help any company in screening a prospective website hosting firm for their website. Getting a reputable web hosting service will go a long way in helping the business on their Internet requirements.

Cheap Web Hosting and What Server to Choose

Be it a small personal web page or a large online business or large company, everyone needs web space on the World Wide Web. Consider this as the online real estate that you own. A web hosting service can help you achieve this for a fixed monthly or yearly fee. The hosting provider will give you a unique domain name if required, a certain amount of bandwidth and disk space and a plethora of other utilizable features, tools and benefits.

Before you go shopping for a web-hosting provider, remember to perform a price comparison, feature comparison and technical support comparison between various providers. This will give you a basic idea about the hosting industry and what essentials would be required for your website. It is very important to make a well-informed decision to save yourself getting lured into the cheap scheme offers. It is also important to note that a hosting package does not have to be necessarily expensive as they do not always include superior features or benefits or may come with certain costs. There are many hosting providers out there who would offer an affordable hosting package with all-inclusive features and tools. Remember, web hosting packages should not rip you off and yet deliver you the essentials required for smooth functioning of your website. For just a few dollars per month, there are many web-hosting providers who would readily let to host multiple domains.

Cheap web hosting can be considered as an option if you have a tight budget to begin with or are just looking to create a web presence or are starting to get a feel of the web hosting industry. You must however ensure that you get a quality shared server lest it may slow down your website. Perform an analysis and read customer reviews on cheap web hosting and then make a judicious decision.

The most important decision for the customer is to determine which server to choose for hosting their website. The web hosting controls the servers where is website and data is stored and the type of server you choose would determine the quality and quantity of traffic your website would receive and controls other aspects of your website.

A dedicated server is best for large companies or online businesses as in this type of server an entire server is dedicated to all your web pages and comes equipped with a plethora of utilizable features and tools. This is the most powerful server to choose for web hosting.

A shared server is much cheaper and many users share the same server and resources to host their website with the hosting company.

The Virtual private server or VPS is another medium between the above two alternatives. In this type of server, the server is partitioned and you do not use an entire server for your website as in dedicated. It however eliminates all the hassles involved with shared hosting as the server is partitioned and other users would not affect your server in any way.

Monday, June 22, 2009

How Cheap Web Hosting Can Bring You Profits Even in Times of Recession

These days, many business owners find it difficult to break even, especially in difficult, recessive times. Many land-based businesses are experiencing monumental losses and some are even forced to close their shop. Even online businesses find it difficult having to attract new clients and in keeping up with intense global competition. If you want to cut down costs but don't plan to give up on your web-based presence, you can always choose to go for cheap web hosting.
It's no secret that some of the best web hosting packages can be pretty expensive. If you are just starting out on the Internet, you may not have the right budget for full-blown, highly expensive hosting types. Many online entrepreneurs may find it difficult having to keep up with costly hosting payments, whether on a monthly or yearly basis. This has been the problem of many web-based business owners in the past, especially since quality solutions often come with a high price.
Today however, more and more hosting companies are offering cheap web hosting solutions, to the advantage of a wide range of website owners. Thus, you need not allocate a huge monthly or annual budget for the hosting requirements of your site. You can opt for the more affordable hosting solutions, allowing you to save more from your business operational expenses. This cost-saving strategy can be highly advantageous for your business, especially in lean economic times.
If you want your web business to prosper, you need to determine the needs of your target market and to consequently fulfill that need. Thus, it is still essential for you to choose the cheap web hosting package that can provide you with the solutions needed by your online business. Whether its sufficient disk space or excellent downloading speeds, you need to evaluate your options carefully. You cannot just choose a hosting company based on affordability alone; you also need to take into account the level of reliability provided for by the hosting provider.
Furthermore, you should also choose a plan that is flexible and can be expandable in the near future. Since it is expected for your site and your clientele to grow in the following years, your website and web host should also be capable of accommodating these changes or updates. Cheap web hosting can be valuable only when your provider allows you to make refinements in the near future, without necessarily having to tear down your website.
One of the best ways to beat the financial difficulties brought about by the global recession is to find ample sources of income. Starting a web-based business allows you to get a secondary source of profit, or you can also choose to focus in this enterprise full-time. Affordable hosting makes it possible for you to manage a web-based business, without the exorbitant expense. Working alongside a reliable web hosting company is one of the most valuable partnerships you can ever make in the online industry. One thing that you should always bear in mind is why go for expensive hosting when you have excellent alternatives?

A Cheap Web Hosting Company Can be an Attractive Trap: Factors to be Kept in Mind

There are various service providers that provide web hosting facilities. You may find a good number of companies that provide free services, but there are certain drawbacks of hiring free web hosts. Here are a few tips to choosing a top web hosting company:
1. Check out reviews and feedback
There are several websites, which provide reviews on service providers over the internet. These reviews rate hosting companies on the basis of space, traffic and additional features. You should check out blogs and websites and compare the prices and services provided by such companies.
2. The price factor:
There are many factors to consider before selecting a web hosting company including requirements and price. A web hosting package depends on data transfer, bandwidth or disk space. The costs range from $10 to more than $3000 per month. Users have flexible payment options. They do not have to pay a lump sum amount for the services, as the payment can be done annually, half-yearly or monthly.
What about bandwidth capacity, server space and customer service?
Well, it depends on usage and requirements. If you are looking for a personal website, a 50MB server space is more than sufficient. Most hosting companies recommend bandwidth capacity to be more than 500 MB. 1GB to 250 GB bandwidth capacity is perfect for small businesses. Choose a hosting company that offers customer service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a month.
Cheap web hosting—compromise in quality or the best deal in the market?
If you think that a cheap web hosting company may offer sub-standard services, better change any such false assumption. Recently, the cheap web hosting market has grown tremendously resulting in intense competition. The increased capacity and lower prices have made a positive impact in the minds of buyers. You will find many serious web hosting companies offering unlimited traffic, free domains and disc space at an affordable price. Most cheap web hosting companies use cPanel interface. cPanel interface lets you manage sub-domains and email accounts easily.
For the past few decades, Australia has invested heavily in the Information Technology sector. This has resulted in cheap and reliable web hosting services down under. Due to huge privatisation of the IT industry Australia web hosting companies offer the best budget offers for its clients. Moreover, Web hosting companies in Australia are efficient, reliable and always have incredible offers for customers.

Finding Cheap Web Hosting That Performs

Whatever type of business you decide to run, to successfully advertise it, you will need the use of the internet. One of the best ways to market your company is to build your own web site. Finding cheap web hosting is key to building a proper web site and ensuring that it is maintained properly. It isn’t that hard finding cheap web hosting services if you look in the right places. First off, Google advertises tons of cheap web hosting companies, so it’s up to you to find the right one for your company. When you begin finding cheap web hosting services, it is important that you not only look for the most affordable, you should also make sure that they are properly accredited and offer quality services. It is always wise to run the cheap web hosting companies you find through the Better Business Bureau to see what you can find out about them. You may find some information about them, such as complaints or even good reports about their services. When you’re finding cheap web hosting companies, it is important that they offer you a variety of services and the utmost attention for your website. There should be little down time for your web site when it does need maintenance. The uptime of your web site should be close to 100%; somewhere near 98%. The most important aspect of having a web site isn’t just for advertising, but for easy usability. The potential customers that visit your web site should be able to navigate through the site easily, so that they will stay there for a long period of time and potentially buy your product or service. Usability is one of the core factors that you should look for when finding cheap web hosting companies. If your clients can’t navigate through your web site, they will leave quickly and likely go to your competitors. When finding cheap web hosting companies, you will need to come up with a domain name for your business’s web site. Now, whatever name you have in mind may already be taken, so it would help to have a cheap web hosting company assist you with getting the right domain name for your web site. A lot of the cheap web hosting companies offer free web domains forever, so this is a good deal. Then you can always sell it later on if you wish. Once you find a cheap web hosting company for your business, you’ll be well on your way to getting your business’s name out there on the internet.

How Reliable is Cheap Web Hosting?

This may be a trick question to some, because often times we see quality pay services advertising “cheap rates.” It mainly depends on what you consider cheap. Of course, the least expensive option when it comes to web hosting is that of free web hosting. There are a few companies that may offer “cheap” rates, perhaps a dollar per month, or something to that effect. (A dollar a month plan would probably translate to a $12 per year payment)
The first thing to consider is just how cheap this type of web hosting service really is and what it offers. Some websites may offer almost free services but charge for a domain name. The first step in researching a new web hosting opportunity is to read between the lines and find out what services are actually provided. The second consideration is how many pros and cons you get with free or cheap service.
The most obvious disadvantage of using a free service is the advertising. However, even if you opt for a cheap but pay-based web hosting company, you still have to be aware of some possible obstacles. The most troublesome feature of cheap web hosting companies is usually that of uptime. The best and most expensive web hosting companies guarantee about 99% uptime for all of their sites. Cheap web hosting companies are more likely to send monthly notices of shutdown time or perhaps no notice at all when a “dark” period occurs and your site is mysteriously shut down. Another trend to watch out for is smaller web hosting companies going out of business. The nation’s economy has wreaked havoc on some small to medium sized Internet businesses, so don’t be surprised to learn that cheap companies you do business with cannot afford to stay in business past the one year mark.
Other issues to keep in mind include bandwidth (which refers to how much traffic you can accommodate) as well as special features in programming like MySQL, PostgreSQL, blog and chat features and streaming media capability. What services does this cheap web host provide in terms of security?
The more freedom you want over your site content and site administration, the more you should be willing to pay for higher quality services. However, if your needs are limited and your business can recover from unexpected but infrequent website downtimes, then you may be able to benefit from the savings a cheap web host offers.

Cheap Web Hosting Is the Wave of the Future

If you currently have a land-based business these days, getting a website should be your next priority. The widespread use of the Internet means that a huge percentage of your target market is located on the web. The internet is accessed by people due to a variety of reasons. From researching on new information to actually purchasing a product, anyone can do so now from the web. If your business has a website, it will be easier for your customers to find your products or services on the web. However, you first need to find a good web host. Nowadays, more businesses are taking advantage of cheap web hosting.
However, getting affordable web hosting does not mean you should settle for inferior services. Many people assume that since they are essentially getting cheap hosting services, they cannot expect any better. Many cheap hosting providers offer minimal bandwidth and disk space, to the point that their clients end up paying more for substandard services. Fortunately, you now have more than a few options when it comes to getting low cost web hosting. Many hosting companies offer excellent services for only a fraction of the usual cost. Without a doubt, affordable hosting is the wave of the future.
When you plan on getting cheap web hosting, it always pays to compare services between hosting companies. You should take the time to evaluate the offerings of one provider with another. As much as possible, you should choose a hosting company that does not charge extra for your domain name. The guaranteed uptime should not be less than 99.9%. This assures you that your website will be visible and fully operational on the Internet 24/7. Your customers or site visitors will not appreciate a website that is down most of the time. The hosting provider should also provide unlimited bandwidth as well as unlimited disk space.
In any inexpensive web hosting service, the customer service support should also be no less than exceptional. Many website owners tend to overlook this, thinking that cheap hosting does not provide support facilities. It is highly essential that your hosting provider supports your website operations as well. However, you should go for a hosting company that gives you excellent value for your money. Indeed, one of the positive ways that businesses can stay afloat nowadays even with the recessive economic times, is to choose low-priced but quality web hosting.
Many cheap hosting companies provide flexible services, so that your website will be able to accommodate changes and updates eventually. While cheap hosting is not ideal for everyone or for every website, it is nevertheless valuable for new website owners. It will be helpful if you ascertain the needs of your website first, so you can get the most benefits out of an affordable hosting scheme. A bigger website may necessitate more advanced and sophisticated tools.

Getting the Best Cheap Web Hosting Solution For Your Online Business

If you have always wanted to start your own online enterprise but don't know where to start, it is important for you to begin with the basics. One of the most essential things you need to think about when planning to manage a workable site on the Internet is your web host. Since cheap web hosting is already made available nowadays, almost everyone planning to manage their own websites can do so with ease. Gone are the days when the only alternatives available to website owners were expensive hosting plans that cost hundreds of dollars.
Nonetheless, before choosing the affordable hosting provider for your business, doing a thorough background check on any potential hosting provider is important. You cannot simply choose the first inexpensive web host that comes your way. It is important for you to compare one hosting provider against another, in order to find the hosting company that provides tailor-made solutions for your business.
A cheap web hosting company can be valuable only when it offers reliability at all costs. You would not want to collaborate with a web host that cannot be accessed during instances of downtimes and technical troubles. If a hosting company offers cut-rate monthly fees but is not able to assist their clientele through any verification, then you need to move on to another. With a little effort and discernment, you will eventually find the hosting company that is not only cost-effective but highly dependable as well.
You must also look into the offered services offered by companies per hosting plan. Since most cheap web hosting companies will make available a range of inexpensive plans, you should look into the specifics provided by each package. This includes the bandwidth, disk space, customer support, technical tools, ease of control panel, fees, business hosting features like shopping cart and SSL certificates, among others.
Furthermore, it is best not to confuse cheap hosting with free hosting. Even when you are required to pay an affordable fee with cheap hosting, you will still have a considerable degree of control over your site. With free web hosting, your account can be canceled without prior notice, and may not accommodate updates for your site in the future. The advantage to this however is getting 100% free hosting for your blog or website.
With the many options available on the web, it can be quite difficult finding the cheap web hosting solution provider that you can work with for the long-term. Many hosting companies promise one exceptional package after another, and many of these providers are quick to claim that their respective offerings are the best. If you want to make sure that you are sticking with the right choice, you can make an in-depth research on the web. Another alternative is reading up on web hosting reviews, so you will know what to expect from the hosting provider early on.

Cheap Web Hosting - Cheap Hosting Doesn't Necessarily Have to be Nasty Web Hosting

Cheap Hosting does not necessarily mean nasty hosting... There are some extremely professional & reliable hosting providers out there who provide both cheap & dependable services packed with many features.The trick however, is to be able to identify a cheap hosting company from a cheap & nasty hosting company... How to Choose a Cheap Hosting Company Without Getting the Nasty PartWhilst 2 different web hosting companies may appear to offer the same value service with similar benefits & features, the type of service they deliver may be totally different.The thing is you don't want to find out about a company's shoddy service once you have signed up, paid over your hosting fees & have thrown your lot in with them.Or worse still is that what appeared at first to be a reliable hosting company, they disappear overnight without trace.A web hosting company that turns nasty has to be one of the worst things to happen to a website owner - you're left in the dark with no live website, no email facility & if you don't have backups of your website & databases - you are left with nothing at all, ie you have to start all over again...So this is what you can do to ensure that you don't fall prey to an unscrupulous web hosting company...
Trust Factor - ProfileIs the hosting company well known with a profile.For instance you would probably choose a well known name over a name like 'Joes Cheap Hosting Service'The higher the profile of the company, ie the more well known it is, the more trust you will have in its services & be safe in the knowledge that you won't be let down.
Presentation - WebsiteThe company's website will give you a feeling of the level of their professionalism.Also have a look at its page rank which will give you an idea of its popularity & integrityLook for contact details, 24/7 live support and so on.
Reliability (Uptime)Most web hosts will 'guarantee' 99.9% uptime - check for proof
24/7 Customer SupportTest out their customer support & see how quickly you get a response
FeaturesObviously you need to compare various features in terms of your needs.Things to consider would be;o Disk Space (Min 600gb)o Bandwidth (Min 9,000gb)o Number of Domains Allowed - Unlimitedo Email - POP3 Accounts - Unlimitedo Pricingo Site Builder - Includedo Instant Backupso AWStats (Real Time Updates) - Website Statsticso ECommerce Features - osCommerceo Latest cPanel with Fantastico Featureso 45 Day Money Back Guaranteeo Free / Instant Setupo MySQL Databaseso CGIo PHP 5o Ruby On RailsThis list is not comprehensive but should be the minimum provided by any reputable web host.
Search Online for Bad ReviewsDo an online search (by the company name) for bad reviews & comments.

Finally remember that if you sign up with a reputable web hosting company you will not have to settle for bad service, downtime, poor quality & less features.

Finding Cheap Web Hosting Services

Whatever type of business you decide to run, to successfully advertise it, you will need the use of the internet. One of the best ways to market your company is to build your own web site. Finding cheap web hosting is key to building a proper web site and ensuring that it is maintained properly. It isn't that hard finding cheap web hosting services if you look in the right places. First off, Google advertises tons of cheap web hosting companies, so it's up to you to find the right one for your company.When you begin finding cheap web hosting services, it is important that you not only look for the most affordable, you should also make sure that they are properly accredited and offer quality services. It is always wise to run the cheap web hosting companies you find through the Better Business Bureau to see what you can find out about them. You may find some information about them, such as complaints or even good reports about their services. When you're finding cheap web hosting companies, it is important that they offer you a variety of services and the utmost attention for your website.There should be little down time for your web site when it does need maintenance. The uptime of your web site should be close to 100%; somewhere near 98%. The most important aspect of having a web site isn't just for advertising, but also helping your visitors find what they need through easy navigation. The potential customers that visit your web site should be able to navigate through the site easily, so that they will stay there for a long period of time and potentially buy your product or service. Usability is one of the core factors that you should consider when building your own website. Hosting companies are online solely to host your website, they don't usually provide any sort of help with designing or maintaining your web site. If your clients can't navigate through your web site, they will leave quickly and likely go to your competitors.When finding cheap web hosting companies, you will need to come up with a domain name for your business's web site. Now, whatever name you have in mind may already be taken, so it would help to have a cheap web hosting company assist you with getting the right domain name for your web site. A lot of the cheap web hosting companies offer free web domains forever, so this is a good deal. Then you can always sell it later on if you wish. Once you find a cheap web hosting company for your business, you'll be well on your way to getting your business's name out there on the market.

Are cheap web hosting solutions really beneficial in longer run?

A very interesting question related to web hosting is always the million dollar query- what's more important: Cost or the services offered by the vendor! Well,one may at first be tempted to pick low cost, but it's obvious that you can't really a great deal at lower prices, and some gaps are bound to exist in such hosting packages.
On one hand cost is always a decisive factor, and it is literally impossible to overlook this aspect. While on the other hand, the quality of hosting and the services offered are equally important. As a matter of fact, these days people have realized the importance of such services, and prefer to pay an extra $ to avail all possible facilities rather than selecting possible option.
It is quite possible that one might not be aware of few of these things, and these words may sound like Greek and Latin to them. However, the techies who really design their own websites, or do it for their clients are very well aware of the importance of each one of these features.
However, it is nearly impossible for a non-technical person to really analyze the bigger picture, and unfortunately if you're one too then you may need to spend some time in gathering all your requirements. Once you're clear with your requirements, you must look out for a good web hosting solution, which offers everything that you need, such as PHP-MySQL support, integration with feedburner and other feeds.
Furthermore, you may also plan to launch a number of sub-domains on your site(s) and it is highly essential to ensure that there's no need to even pay a penny for opening new sub-domains on your parent domain. Additionally you must also take the domain registration and yearly renewal charges into account, while actually preparing an estimate to compare a standard web hosting package with a new one, which offers you all possible things in the world.
Therefore, when you look at the one-shot payment, you may find that the web hosts, who demand as high as $20/month, would cost you to begin with. However, when you try to detail down the impact on the longer run, you'd realize that cheap web hosting solutions are not the best options. It is always better to pay a little more, but make sure that you've everything that you'd need to run a successful online campaign. Furthermore, try to grab as many goodies and add-on's that you can get at the time of registration with the web hosting, and all info can be found on the web hosting service provider.

Cheap Web Hosting Providers Which Deliver

The most common problem regarding web hosting is that there's no direct relationship between data transfer usage and server resources (CPU and memory) usage. An erroneous script, or simply a program that performs lots of operations, intensively employs (large) databases, can bog down a server even though it produces a relatively small result (page) and thus the data transfer used is quite reduced. The average customer will assume that buying 1000GB of data transfer basically translates into not having to worry about hosting even again, but he has no idea that he's actually very much confined by the CPU and memory.Web hosting company must has definite strength and very steadfast or consistent for the reliable booming of the business. Cheap web hosting companies and services must includes features, reliability, package value, customer service, control panel, user-friendliness and server uptime.Honest and cheap web hosting service provider must give you sufficient space to store the data or files that structure your website. Web hosting is a cutthroat business. On the average the cost of the website should not any longer than 0.10$ per megabytes Secondly, the low cost web hosting companies must provide the maximum bandwidth with minimum time.The good web hosting companies provides 24 hours technical support .Similarly web site developer must use any specialized software like a content management system, web log, customer support, discussion board or a shopping cart system so that the web host can give the better feedback. Most of the web hosting companies are offering user friendly website designs and editing tools like FrontPage, PHP. Small business web hosting service is becoming very popular now a day. Web hosting service offers business 24 hours a day. The business web site hosting fees will generally include a free sphere name registration with the purchase of a small business web site hosting package.So the best web hosting service will assure that you are on the right site in a way that you have installed state of the art software programs on such servers that support your business.

Understanding Cheap Web Hosting Services

Whenever it comes to making your own web page, there are a few things that you are going to need. You are going to need an idea or a reason to make a web page, and you are going to need a hosting company to post it on the internet for you. However, if this is your first time making a web page, then you may feel a bit lost when it comes to making your own web page. In fact, that may be the only thing that is stopping you from doing so. Today we are going to talk about why that should not hold you back anymore. We are going to talk about some of the great features that cheap web hosting companies offer that makes getting your new web site up and running super easy.First of all, you are going to want to make sure that the company that you are going to be hosting with offers live customer support. This way, if you have any kind of problems while setting up your web page, you can ask them for help. Most cheap web hosting companies even offer 24 hours support. So no matter what day it is or what time it is, you can find the help that you need. Be sure that the company that you are signing up with offers this feature. Next, you are going to want to make sure that the cheap web hosting company offers a site builder. These are programs that you can use that make building a new web site super easy. Most of these site builders don’t require web design experience. All you have to do is drag and drop things where you want them. Not only that, but you can put text boxes where you want them. Thus, what you are left with is a site that looks great. For people who do not know much about web sites, this is a dream come true.Last, but not least, when it comes to cheap web hosting companies, you are going to want to make sure that they do not charge start up fees. When you are starting up a new web page, the last thing that you want is a start up fee. Thus, this is one of the things that you are going to want to check for before you get involved with a company. Otherwise, you may end up spending more than what you want to spend.

Understanding Cheap Web Hosting Services

Whenever it comes to making your own web page, there are a few things that you are going to need. You are going to need an idea or a reason to make a web page, and you are going to need a hosting company to post it on the internet for you. However, if this is your first time making a web page, then you may feel a bit lost when it comes to making your own web page. In fact, that may be the only thing that is stopping you from doing so. Today we are going to talk about why that should not hold you back anymore. We are going to talk about some of the great features that cheap web hosting companies offer that makes getting your new web site up and running super easy.First of all, you are going to want to make sure that the company that you are going to be hosting with offers live customer support. This way, if you have any kind of problems while setting up your web page, you can ask them for help. Most cheap web hosting companies even offer 24 hours support. So no matter what day it is or what time it is, you can find the help that you need. Be sure that the company that you are signing up with offers this feature. Next, you are going to want to make sure that the cheap web hosting company offers a site builder. These are programs that you can use that make building a new web site super easy. Most of these site builders don’t require web design experience. All you have to do is drag and drop things where you want them. Not only that, but you can put text boxes where you want them. Thus, what you are left with is a site that looks great. For people who do not know much about web sites, this is a dream come true.Last, but not least, when it comes to cheap web hosting companies, you are going to want to make sure that they do not charge start up fees. When you are starting up a new web page, the last thing that you want is a start up fee. Thus, this is one of the things that you are going to want to check for before you get involved with a company. Otherwise, you may end up spending more than what you want to spend.

Cheap Web Hosting With Free Domain

Are you looking for a cheap web hosting plan including free domain? If so, first take a look at some important features which must be considered when choosing your web hosting company:
Reliability and uptime: Hosting uptime refers to the percentage of time the host is accessible via the internet. It is very important your service be uptime (functioning and available for use). It means you can access your account whenever you want to update your web pages, and users can enter your website whenever they refer to your site address. If your hosting service is not uptime it can be catastrophic!
Disk space: Web hosting space is the amount of room that the web host provides to store your HTML, graphic, video/audio and other files. This figure is most commonly stated in gigabytes. If you don't know how much space you need for your website, you can choose a web host with unlimited disk space, which allows you to build as many web pages as you want.
Bandwidth: Bandwidth (or data transfer) refers to the amount of data that is accessed by your visitors. Web hosts define bandwidth as the total amount of data access from your server over a month's time. This figure is most commonly expressed in gigabytes. If you don't know how much bandwidth you need for your website, you can pick a web host with unlimited data transfer, which allows you to support as many visitors as you want.
Ease of Control Panel: It is important that the control panel is easy to use and all information can be accessed easily.
Top 3 Cheap Web Hosting Plans Including Free Domain: is a reliable website to help you make the best choice. Their experts have been evaluating web hosting solutions for years, and now they provide you with the most reliable results. They present the information in an easy to understand format that helps the consumer make the best choice within just a few minutes. This is their purpose, to help you make the right choice the first time.
There you can reach the three reputable companies that are leaders in the web hosting industry. They are all easy-to-use and cheap.

Using a cheap web hosting company to initiate online presence

Online presence is the prime cause of profits in this era of electronic commerce, and for every business it is now a challenge to search out a cheap web hosting company. It is prudent to note that in terms of e-commerce Australia has been the frontrunner, the Australian businesses initiated online trading in the time of communication convergence and finally have come up with colors.
In this highly competitive market online presence is must to gain an edge over the competitors. Even if the competitors have web portals, with better quality and performance of the sites you can easily run leap ahead. Millions of consumers hunt for desired products and services and only a proper Australian web hosting company can help a business to focus up products and services. Actually as Australia led in e-commerce implementation, the web developers of the nation bagged huge experiences. Now they just execute their skills to prevail better.
A proper web hosting company develops and hosts a web portal to make a business up and successful. In this time of recession, many online trades are not largely affected. This is another good reason of making online presence prominent. Internet and communication convergence have revolutionized the world and now conducting business transactions over the net is in vogue. To ensure secure online transactions it is advisable to go for the reputed web hosting company.
While providing the specifications to the web hosting companies, each requirement should be clarified to get the web site exactly as desired. For facilitating the visitors with online shopping, nowadays online shopping carts are used. A customizable page layout along with a soothing look and feel of the web page is always nice. Besides these, the payment processing tools should also be created considering the security issues. Highly secured payment gateways provide security and in addition this makes the purchaser’s confidence high. Australian web hosting providers are aware of all these details.
There remain several packages and it is possible to select a suitable one. There are different uses of technologies and while developing a web site several specifications can be done regarding the use of technology and tools. The renowned web hosting company may provide effective suggestions and guidelines related to usage of specific software and tools. Performance of the site largely depends on use of tools during development and launch of the site.
It is a proven fact that with an up to date website it is possible to increase profits. Instead of procrastination it is best to search out a cheap web hosting company. Local yellow pages and community newspapers offer classifieds of different website hosting firms. A comparative analysis among the various sites helps in finding quality web development firms who offer affordable rates.

Cheap Web hosting - The Things you Never Knew

There are not many things you need to consider when you want cheap web hosting. Mainly there is one: PRICE.
You want to save as much money as you can... and that's about it.
But hold on for a second. What if cheaper means that you'll loose money? Would you consider it then?
Ok, this is what I mean. I'm definitely all in favor of getting great things at cheap prices, and if you are here this means you are as well.
There is just one thing that can be better than cheap web hosting, and that is Great cheap web hosting.
You could spend years trying to find a good company. The last thing you want to be doing is making midnight calls to your so called hosting company yelling at them because your site is not up.
Reliable is good. Reliable and cheap is better.
Where can you find it?
Here's what you need to look for:
-Live support 24 hours a day. Very important. Make sure they have their online support available all the time. Any questions you have, you get an immediate answer. I can't tell you how many times this has helped me even though I never though I'd use the damn feature when I signed up.
-Cheap price. A basic for the smart shopper. There are many great hosting companies out there, so finding the combination between cheap and quality will pay off very handsomely in the long run.
-Money Back Guarantee. Pay for what you like. Don't like the service, give it back. This keeps them giving you the service you want, and you feeling great about your hosting service.
You will want to look for 99.9% uptime guarantee on their site so you make sure they won't crash on you.
Above all, there is one thing you have to consider.
If you plan on growing you online presence, your going to continue registering host several domains.
Since we are looking for cheap web hosting, paying 3 dollars for each is out of the question.
You want the big cajuna. The ultimate secret. To be able to host all of your domains (even if you have 10 or 20) for less than 10 bucks.
This is were real cheap web hosting comes in. There are not many of these hosting companies around, but it's always a big plus to have the option of adding more domains without having to pay a cent more. If you find that, you'll save yourself years of trouble and hundreds of dollars as well.

Find Quality Cheap Web Hosting in Few Time

It is important to have a little box when you decided about web hosting service. This is especially true when thinking in terms of disk space. If your website is going to house 150 MB of disk space, it is probably wise to pick a web hosting package that offers a minimize of 200-250 MB of space. This added protection will save your money should changes be made to your site that increases its size. Again, this rule of getting slightly more than you need also applies when determining the amount of bandwidth you are going to need per month from your web host. The busier your site is, the more data there is to be transferred. By having a slightly larger bandwidth than your site needs, you can cover yourself just in case a few hundred more customers decide to come by and check out your website. Unlike the old adage in cooking that says “use less initially because you can always add more,” this approach to web hosting can result in high monthly usage fees for going over your package specifications. Depending on the nature of your online venture, you may need your cheap web hosting service to include several email addresses and multiple domain accounts. Often, it is cheaper to have one account that hosts several domains than to have just one domain per account. Another thing to keep in mind when choosing a web hosting service is the different applications being used by your website. Not every web hosting service offers support for various software applications used by your website. Many times, you are going to have to pay extra if you are using a database or application that is not generally supported by your web hosting company. The great thing about choosing an affordable web hosting service is that there are so many web hosts online who are competing to have the most affordable, reliable, and quality web hosting service on the Internet. You can customize all of the above mentioned options and still have quality cheap web hosting plan. Shop around and find a cheap web hosting package that fits your budget today!

Is Cheap Web Hosting Really Worth It?

Thanks to cheap web hosting service providers, more and more people are now able to put their businesses online.
Many years ago, only big businesses and companies could afford to pay for web hosting services. These days, though, there are now cheaper alternatives for the small and medium sized business owners. This is a great thing because everybody knows that online is the best way of getting customers and gaining profits.
However, when you think deeply about it, it all sounds too good to be true. Perhaps you have seen web hosting services being offered for as low as $1.00 a month --- doesn't this blow your mind? Some people say that when the offer is too good to be true, it most likely is --- too good to be true.
Then again, that is not always the case, of course. When you make a careful search of the internet, you will see that there are reliable web hosting companies that really do not require a huge investment. You need to be cautious however and not jump on the first company that looks attractive.
Always keep in mind that there are potential risks when choosing the services of cheap web hosts, so instead of saving money, you can end up paying a lot more in the process. Thus, you need to be aware of the things to look out for when searching for an affordable web hosting service provider.
One of the first things that you may want to check is the availability of a customer support. Basically, all web hosts offer customer support, but how efficient is that of your cheap web host? Is it available any time you need it? What are the ways you can communicate your concerns?
You also need your web host to be reliable. Reliability in this case can be measured by the uptime percentage. An ideal web host should be able to offer you a high uptime percentage, preferably no less than 99.99%. However, if you are going for the cheaper alternatives, an uptime percentage of 99.00% is already good. If the uptime percentage is 99% it means that, your site is visible on the World Wide Web 99% of the time. When you are operating a business online, you need your site to be up and running most of the time. After all, you have visitors in different time zones, so your site must be instantly uploaded when a potential customer clicks on the link to your site.
Most web hosting service providers use a fast internet connection, but cheap web hosts may offer only dial-up. This is one factor worth checking into also.
To help you decide on the type of package to avail yourself of, visit some review sites that feature the best affordable web hosting service providers out there. These kinds of sites point out the differences among the web hosting companies so you can make a smart decision. You can also check out some technological forums and participate in the discussions because this is where you are likely to get professional advice from the experts themselves.